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Two-dimensional Ruddlesden–Popper layered metal-halide perovskites have attracted increasing attention for their desirable optoelectronic properties and improved stability compared to their three-dimensional counterparts. However, such perovskites typically consist of multiple quantum wells with a random well width distribution. Here, we report phase-pure quantum wells with a single well width by introducing molten salt spacer n-butylamine acetate, instead of the traditional halide spacer n-butylamine iodide. Due to the strong ionic coordination between n-butylamine acetate and the perovskite framework, a gel of a uniformly distributed intermediate phase can be formed. This allows phase-pure quantum well films with microscale vertically aligned grains to crystallize from their respective intermediate phases. The resultant solar cells achieve a power conversion efficiency of 16.25% and a high open voltage of 1.31 V. After keeping them in 65 ± 10% humidity for 4,680 h, under operation at 85 °C for 558 h, or continuous light illumination for 1,100 h, the cells show <10% efficiency degradation.

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The datasets generated and/or analysed during the current study are available within the paper and its Supplementary Information. Source data are provided with this paper.

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This work was financially supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China (51972172, 61705102, 61605073, 61935017, 91833304 and 91733302), the National Key R&D Program of China (2017YFB1002900, 2017YFA0403400), the Macau Science and Technology Development Fund (FDCT-116/2016/A3, FDCT-091/2017/A2 and FDCT-014/2017/AMJ), the University of Macau (SRG2016-00087-FST and MYRG2018-00148-IAPME), Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province, China (2019A1515012186), Projects of International Cooperation and Exchanges NSFC (51811530018), Young 1000 Talents Global Recruitment Program of China, Jiangsu Specially-Appointed Professors Program and 'Six Talent Peaks' Project in Jiangsu Province, China.

Author information

Author notes

  1. These authors contributed equally: Chao Liang, Hao Gu, Yingdong Xia.


  1. Key Laboratory of Flexible Electronics (KLOFE) and Institution of Advanced Materials (IAM), Nanjing Tech University, Nanjing, P. R. China

    Chao Liang, Hao Gu, Yingdong Xia, Xiaotao Liu, Wei Hui, Min Fang, Hui Lu, Han Dong, Hui Yu, Xueqin Ran, Jianpu Wang, Yonghua Chen & Wei Huang

  2. Joint Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education, Institute of Applied Physics and Materials Engineering, University of Macau, Macau, P. R. China

    Chao Liang, Hao Gu, Junmin Xia, Shi Chen & Guichuan Xing

  3. State Centre for International Cooperation on Designer Low-Carbon and Environmental Material (SCICDLCEM), School of Materials Science and Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, P. R. China

    Zhuo Wang & Guosheng Shao

  4. Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, P. R. China

    Shouwei Zuo & Jing Zhang

  5. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, P. R. China

    Shouwei Zuo & Jing Zhang

  6. Key Laboratory of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials of the Ministry of Education, School of Physical Science and Technology and Electron Microscopy Centre of Lanzhou University, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, P. R. China

    Yue Hu & Yong Peng

  7. Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SSRF), Zhangjiang Laboratory, Shanghai Advanced Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, P. R. China

    Xingyu Gao

  8. Frontiers Science Center for Flexible Electronics, Xi'an Institute of Flexible Electronics (IFE) and Xi'an Institute of Biomedical Materials & Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an, P. R. China

    Lingfeng Chao, Tingting Niu, Lin Song & Wei Huang

  9. Department of Educational Science, Laboratory of College Physics, Hunan First Normal University, Changsha, P. R. China

    Bixin Li

  10. Key Laboratory for Organic Electronics and Information Displays (KLOEID) and Institute of Advanced Materials (IAM), Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing, P. R. China

    Wei Huang


Y.C. and G.X. conceived the idea and designed the experiments. Y.C., G.X. and W.H. supervised the work. C.L., H.G. and Y.X. carried out the device fabrication and characterizations. X.L., L.C., T.N. and B.L. also contributed to device fabrication. C.L., H.G., H.D., H.Y. and S.C. conducted the optical spectra measurements. H.G., M.F. and H.L. synthesized the BAAc. J.Z., S.Z. and H.G. conducted the X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy measurements and analysed the data. Y.P., Y.H. and H.G. carried out the scanning transmission electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy mappings. Z.W., J.X. and X.R. carried out the density functional theory calculations. GIWAXS was performed and analysed by W.H., L.S. and X.G., supported by the BL14B1 beamline of the Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility. C.L., H.G. and Y.X. wrote the first draught of the manuscript. Y.C., Y.X., G.X., J.W., G.S. and W.H. participated in data analysis and provided major revisions. All authors discussed the results and commented on the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Yonghua Chen, Guichuan Xing or Wei Huang.

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Liang, C., Gu, H., Xia, Y. et al. Two-dimensional Ruddlesden–Popper layered perovskite solar cells based on phase-pure thin films. Nat Energy 6, 38–45 (2021).

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